Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our Little Stinker!

For Halloween, Cash dressed up as a Skunk! He was too stinkin cute!! We went to our ward truck or treat where he wanted to walk up and down the parking lot checking out all of the kids costumes. Yes, I know it has been a while since my last update but Cash is walking! He started kickin it into high gear on his 10 month bday mark! Also excuse the two mosquito bites on his face, apparently a mosquito was trapped in his bedroom with him the night before and went to town!


  1. So so so cute... I still cannot believe he is walking. What a kid!

  2. Parker was a skunk his first Halloween, too. And Cash has Grayden beat. That lazy boy STILL doesn't walk.

  3. He is so stinkin cute walking around. What a fun costume! Poor guy, those bites look bad.

  4. How appropriate that someone so "stinking" cute was a skunk!! He and Payt would have been a cute couple in their black and white!

  5. I love the skunk costume! So cute. And wow...already walking. That's amazing. I can't believe he's so old already!

  6. Okay his little tail wagging around is just the cutest thing ever! I can't believe how old he is getting, I love me some Cash!!!

  7. he is so precious! we need to get together or something over christmas break! miss you!
