Mia Carmen Andrus
Sweet baby girl will be gracing us with her prescence on June 16th. We are so excited to have a little girl to dress up and for Cash to love on. Bret is very excited and has been told by everyone to hold onto his wallet, so he is already prepared for what is to come...lots of shopping!!! Baby Girl is doing great and I hardly realize I'm pregnant except that she is a wild thing always moving and kicking. Cash occassionally kisses my belly...I don't think he quite gets that there is a baby in there more like wow mommy's belly is sticking out more than normal, let's kiss it! Just like little Cash this name was an easy pick, we are definitley hoping this kiddo will look more like the 1/4 mexican she is unlike her brother who is white boy through and through. If anyone has some girlie girl classes they would like to put on for me that would be greatly appreciated since I don't even know how to braid hair!!!